Saturday, March 28, 2009

Homily – March 28, 2009 – Fourth Week of Lent - Saturday

The gospel passage today tells of the confusion that is arising around the last weeks of Jesus' earthly life. Many are trying to conspire against him – many are trying to make a case for sending him to the slaughter like a sheep (reading I) – many are trying to justify their illicit actions by resorting to the scriptures. But apparently Jesus is more than just the Scriptures. Jesus speaks with authority all his own! Jesus IS the Scriptures, plus so much more: he is Son of God, he is Son of Man. And now, as Son of Man he will be led to a shameful death – in order to fulfill the scriptures!

One thing the people always said about him from the day he read the passage of Isaiah in his hometown synagogue which announced him as Savior, Liberator, Healer, Redeemer – is that he always SPOKE WITH AN AMAZING CLARITY AND CONFIDENCE – that could only have been gotten by his intimate --if not self-identifying, association with God!

And it is true today – when we, in our day and age – need to hear LOUDLY, CLEARLY AND CONFIDENTLY – the Word of God – to steer us through the immoral minefield that we traverse everyday – LET US LISTEN TO THE WORD OF GOD; LET US LISTEN TO THE WORDS OF SCRIPTURE; LET US LISTEN TO JESUS!

And we shall have victory – the same victory as he did – after, perhaps, being also led to a new kind slaughter, but for the same values, the same eternal principles – that will prove our devotion to God and our worthiness to share the joys of everlasting life!

O Lord, be our refuge and our strength, this day and always!

Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, harden not your hearts!

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