Sunday, June 21, 2009

Homily – June 21, 2009 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This is Father's Day – and I know for me it is a time to think about my own father – who even though he has passed on – still lives in my memory and encourages me with what he said and did for me and the family I grew up in. One thing that my father provided for in a special way was "security." I knew that I was living in a "safe environment" and that he cared deeply for my mother, my brother and me; and he would do whatever was necessary to provide for our needs. And he did. And he did these things in a very friendly and loving way! I hope that many of you have that same regard for your own fathers! Not that my father was perfect all of the time – ask my mother and my brother, ask me – but he tried to do his best with what he had to work with – my mother, my brother and me!

But there was once TWO FATHERS who were nigh unto perfect in every way: the first is GOD, THE FATHER! who was and is definitely not only perfect, but is Perfection itself, who is the very Author of Life, Creator of everything and everyone, and Provider for everything that his beloved children need in their pilgrimage through life on earth to our true home in heaven. And the other is a man of the house of David who was chosen from all time to be the FOSTER-FATHER of God's Son when the time was right for him to come to earth in order to save mankind from sin and death! This foster-father's name was Joseph – and he was the true virginal husband of the ever virgin Mother of the Son of God: Mary of Nazareth. Theirs was a very unique relationship and marriage, yet one that –especially at this exact particular time in history – needs to be talked about. With rightful marriage and family life being in an all time high critically challenged state; with wrongful marriage and family life being touted as a "logical, just and compassionate" alternative – may we spend a few moments today on this Father's Day, this Family Day to think about the way things were set up to be "in the beginning" as the normative way!

God the Father/Creator set these things up this way "in the beginning" – according to the first book of the Bible: Genesis:

  • he created "man" "male and female" (each with the "assignment" to fully discover and celebrate the purity of each sexuality: i.e. "masculinity" and "femininity" – the goal: for males to become fully male in a well balanced sort of way; for females to become fully female in a well balanced sort of way – this can and ought to be be a life-long process)
  • he created the male and the female to unite as one flesh as a sign of his own unity and love for his creations; and as a way to procreate with him new members of his family (unless he is directly involved in the process, then it is less than it can be)
  • he sent them forth to be fruitful and multiply and to subdue the earth (to fill the earth with children and the family life of "mother / father / sons/daughters" – and to use the good resources of the earth in a responsible way to supply for the needs of family life – and for legitimate enjoyment and pleasure)

This is the way things were set up and this is the way that God intended and still intends for them to operate and work – with no deviation. However…

when the man and the woman misused their gift of free will and caused sin and death to enter the picture, GOD THE FATHER set into motion a marvelous plan: to forgive their sin and restore their life – at the cost of the life of his own Son (the only one qualified to do it: because he was both God and man at the same time): Jesus – Son of Mary, Foster-son of Joseph, the carpenter.

An important thing to remember here (not only for this family, but for all families, including every family represented here today) – GOD ALWAYS PREPARES INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR TRUE VOCATIONS IN LIFE! Everything they need to make them fully qualified is provided, and will all work out, if the people involved cooperate with the gifts given and prepare themselves humbly, willingly and generously from the heart.

Thus – since Mary would be the Mother of Jesus, who is God – his body would come from hers – it was only right that her body had no hint of Original Sin – thus she was immaculately conceived in the womb of St. Anne. Mary was always full of grace – a fitting dwelling place for the unborn Jesus. She is thus the most blessed of all persons. This we probably already knew: but did you ever stop to think that Joseph too was very specially prepared to do his job as foster-father and earthly provider of Jesus – Son of God and Son of Mary: he would be the one to teach Jesus so many things that only a father could teach a son: and so, while not immaculately conceived in his mother's womb: he was, however, the Church tells us, by certain logic and valid inference, all but completely sanctified in the womb of his mother and is considered second in degree of holiness only to that of Mary herself.

And so Jesus was born. Mary was his adoring mother, Joseph was his ever-attentive and devoted foster-father and the pattern of family life for all Christians was set. What made it all work out for them was that they each put God the Father and his will first in their lives, they each were as humble and unassuming as one can be and they each dedicated their lives to be of loving self-sacrificial service to other people, beginning with each other: we can do the exact same thing, both as immediate and remote family members!

But what a task Joseph had before him, no doubt he wondered "can I do this?" "can I be all that God wants me to be for this precious little gift he has placed in my life?" – and God answered "Oh, yes, Joseph, you can do it – with my help as your Father, you certainly can do it!" – and he did do it. May St. Joseph, the model of all earthly fathers, help all men – who follow their vocation to be fathers – do what they need to do to be the spiritual and material resources for those placed in their loving care.

St. Joseph, pray for us! Amen!

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