Thursday, August 6, 2009

Homily – August 6, 2009 – The Transfiguration of Jesus

+ The transfiguration of the Lord occurred for at least three reasons: none of which were of benefit for Jesus himself. He did not let his inner light glow just because he could do it. He did it, 1) to show himself as the fulfillment of the Law (in speaking with Moses), and the true fulfillment of the Prophets (in speaking with Elijah). For those obeying the Law and the Prophets a just reward would be theirs: a reward full of brightness, light and promise;

2)Jesus also allowed Peter, James and John – his three closest friends to see his true reality and glory as Son of God – to prepare them for the scandal of the cross that would occur within ten days, so that one day they would be able to connect the agony of the cross, with the glory of the resurrection; and also to give them something to focus on when they would be among the first of the apostles to suffer intensely for the sake of Christ after they are sent out into the world to spread the Gospel message. It would be the same brilliant light of Jesus' identity (the identity as Son of God that he never lost in becoming one of us) that would be and still is his identity as Risen Lord;

3) and finally Jesus allowed a large portion of his full glory to be seen for our own benefit, as a pledge and promise of our own transformation, which would occur when we share in his resurrection – if we believe in him, and live all the days of our life as though we truly do believe in him! Even Jesus resurrection was not for himself; he was always Son of God, and always full of life and glory, even in his death; but he died and rose fully glorious in his humanity to take into his humanity our humanity so that our deaths would be an easy burden for us, and the reward of resurrected life for all his faithful followers, a truly reality.

Peter, James and John heard God the Father's voice on that mountain of transfiguration: "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!" It cannot get any more plain or simple than that: God commands us to LISTEN TO JESUS: because he IS AND KNOWS THE WAY that leads to him (the Father); he IS AND KNOW THE TRUTH about everything: he is a reliable resource; and he IS AND IS MORE THAN WILLING TO SHARE THE NEVERENDING LIFE OF BEATITUDE AND GLORY with all those who simply want it and ask for it! And so I ask all of us today: ARE WE LISTENING TO JESUS? – in the deep silence, in the awesome depths, in the golden temples of our hearts? And are we willing to "do whatever he tells us" to attain eternal glory with him?

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