Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Homily – June 8, 2010 – Tenth Week in Ordinary Time - Tuesday

+ Our gospel passage today serves to remind us that the flavor (salt) that we are for the good of our relationships and projects, and the light that we are to help not only ourselves but also others find their way in life come directly from God.
He wants us to make a difference in each others' lives. He wants us to be of as much use as we can be to him as he helps his family grow to full maturity. He wants us to share always what we have and not worry about running out of resources.

Just like the widow of the first reading did not run out of food and oil for a year and a half (until the rains came again) at the bidding of Elijah to trust God and serve his (Elijah's) needs as well as her own and her sons – so too we are called to trust God's promises and understand that even difficult to understand requests from him are really for the best.

In any and all events – it is the trustworthy Father who is to be thanked, praised and glorified for all of his direct, intentional and precise care, concern and the help that he so willingly gives to his children in need – whatever that need might be.

Lord, let your face shine on us!

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