Friday, August 5, 2016

Aug 5 - Homily for Today

+ Though a minor prophet of the Old Testament, Nahum, whose name means “comforter” – was nevertheless vehement, sublime and bold in his description of the impending destruction of the city of Nineveh. He describes in most vivid colors, its greatness, its clearness, its fullness. And yet our passage from his writings today tells also of the one crossing the mountains, the bearer of good news, announcing peace with the encouragement to celebrate feasts and fulfill vows.

This reference, of course, has to do with the “promise of the Great Preacher and Peacemaker” and indeed the very one who would bring about the Peace and the Good News to be preached about: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Man – the only one qualified to right the wrongs of both the people of God, and the people of the world.

He did this by his own vehement, sublime and bold death on the Cross – which in effect was reflected by the destruction years before of the great city of Nineveh. But these destructions in this passage also invite our own participation in them – our own voluntary participation in the destruction of what is evil and earth-bound in us, its obliteration for the sake of rebuilding a life of peace and reconciliation – both for ourselves and those who will be put in our path each day to help out in this regard. We must take up our cross and follow Christ literally and generously!

We only have one lifetime to orient ourselves as entirely as we can to the image of Christ, and to make it shine forth from our loving and voluntary association with him, and participation in his life of grace.

May we this day – beginning at this mass – thank him for coming across the mountains and announcing the good news of salvation to us – and then by feeding us with his very Body and Blood so that his image in us can become one and the same image that God the Father sees when he looks down upon us.

And we shall be saved – we shall be preserved to life-everlasting, and OUR JOY WILL BE VEHEMENTS, SUBLIME AND FULL!

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