Friday, July 13, 2018

Jul 13 - Friday 14th Week in OT

+ “Whoever endures to the end will be saved!.” There always has been, is now, and until all is said and done, will be periods of chaos, destruction and malevolence. Satan is still very much alive and “roaring as a lion” – but at the same time there are and will be until the same end, those who are protected from the ravages of the beast, and those are they who follow the Lion of Judah, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, King of Everything and Everyone.

Like the spectacle that took place on Capitol Hill yesterday, those living in the spirit will be given what to say on the side of truth, integrity and justice, at the proper time – while the opposing team will unleash a vitriolic, caustic, scathing display of personal degradation and assassination. And these are members of Congress grilling an FBI agent who withstood his ground because he spoke truth to power.

And with what is going on in Europe with the President – who is a quite frankly a raving maniac – hellbent on destroying not only our country but everyone else’s – if we don’t stand up – pray for inspiration of the Spirit – and say and do something constructive – then we are participants in the suicide of our own great nation and most of the world as we know it.

The devil is uproariously laughing at us as a country, and so is Russia’s Putin – we could not make his playbook any easier to execute. Shame on us – who are citizens both of this country, and the ‘patria aeternum” – eternal native land – if we do not rightly form our consciences and then ACT ON THEM!

O Lord, open our lips, that our mouths shall proclaim your truth and your praise!

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