Friday, January 18, 2019

Jan 18 - 1st Week of OT - Friday

+ On this first Friday in Ordinal or “Counting” Time our readings focus on three interrelated thoughts: rest, well-being and the forgiveness of sins, all three of which are not possible to us or to the universe without direct infusion and the giftedness of Divine Grace, Divine Power, Divine Action. For of ourselves we can literally do nothing to improve our lot – any of it.

And so in the first reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, we see St. Paul reminding the Christian community that even the ability to and reality of being at rest – from the co-creative ventures that make up 6 days of our week, in imitation of God’s 6 days or work-segments in which he created the world: on the seventh day he rested: and just spent “time” “being” and being in admiration of the works that he had accomplished:

and for whom were they created: the pinnacle of his creations that came last in line, after the created universe, stars, planets, sun, moon, plants and animals: the Man and his “help-mate” “work-mate” Woman.

And so, he personally invites all men, women, children to “enter into his rest” – after accomplishing works that he directs, empowers and then praises for a joy well done. To be dis-invited to that amazing experience of rest, non-doing, non-striving – simply having a good time doing whatever comes to mind in the realm of recreation, renewal and praise and worship to the God who made it all possible: would be a terrible thing. To be ever in motion then, work work working – first on God’s projects, the greedily on our own projects, with volume and quality spinning out of control – is a “hellish” kind of existence that we create for ourselves.

And so, when our priorities are straight, we are invited to rest, and all we need do then is gratefully and humbly accept the offer.

The physical healing that Jesus restores to the paralyzed man let down through the roof – was a kind of invitation to rest – to rest in the knowledge and peace that comes from being relieved of a physical malady. But Jesus also uses the same event to demonstrate another invitation to rest: the forgiveness of sins – which frees us from the paranoia of constantly looking over our shoulder as we more exhaustedly now make our way through our days: GUILT is the name of the heavy baggage that willful and knowing sin bestows on our consciences, our minds and our bodies – even contribution to their dis-ease and break downs. And so, Jesus restores a double peace and rest to the man – by healing his body, and his soul! and the man is amazed.

Those who witnessed the events were simply amazed that Jesus did these things: and trying to piece together the reality that only God can forgive sins – maybe this rabbi really is Son of God – in the very literal sense! And their wonder at him began to grow and grow.

May we continue this day to be in wonder at the presence of the Risen Jesus in our lives – who constantly, each moment of the day offers us rest for the taking, peace for the contemplating and joy in being able to now more clearly see what needs to be done for others – to make their lives easier – for in truth – they are our brothers and sisters!

Alleluia! A great prophet has arisen in our midst and God has visited his people. Alleluia!

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