Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Feb 26 - 7th Week in OT - Tuesday

+ Our readings today remind us of a very important fact: Christianity was never meant to be a walk in the park!  Trials and tribulations, pain and distress are to be a part a parcel of the Jesus way of life: just as in the gospel passage today he foretells his being handed over to torture and death, but the subsequent resurrection would occur. The disciples did not understand any of this, especially the resurrection part.

The disciples and the Jewish people at large, were expecting a political and military victory over their enemies when their promised Messiah came: but it was always intended to be a spiritual and moral victory, and a supernatural one as well, when his Death on the Cross would bring about a total transformation and restoration of absolutely everything: not all at the same time, but promised in time.

The passage from Ecclesiasticus of the first reading is one of my favorites: “my son if you want to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for a bumpy ride. Just be sincere of heart and steadfast, and do not be alarmed when disaster comes – and it will come – cling to him and do not leave him. Whatever happens to you, accept it, and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient, since gold is tested in the fire, and chosen men in the furnace of humiliation. Trust him and he will uphold you, follow a straight path and hope in him.”  

Wow! This is sage and sound advice and it is meant for the disciples, and all those who call themselves Christians.

And so – if we commit our lives to the Lord, and trust in him, he will act – he will surely act – and all will be well in the end, all will be well!

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