Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Homily – April 28, 2010 – Fourth Week in Easter - Wednesday

+ Jesus today continues his discourse on his relationship with the Father in heaven. This is what makes Jesus unlike any other teacher, or prophet or priest: everything he says and does is not his own, but is readily admitted to be the work of another: MY FATHER, WHO IS IN HEAVEN!
And when you hear me, you are hearing him; and when you believe in my works, you are believing in him who is the originator of the work. And the work has everything to do with you eternal salvation. This life is short, but the "eternal now" that is coming is real: where you will be spending it depends entirely on how you respond to the proclamation of this message: JESUS IS BOTH LORD AND MESSIAH: HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION ARE THE MEANS OF YOUR REDEMPTION: BELIEVE, BE FED AND BE SAVED!

In the first reading we see Barnabas and Saul being sent from Antioch back to Jerusalem. They would begin their three missionary journeys from there – sent by the Holy Spirit – to proclaim the marvelous work of God the Father and the Son on behalf of the whole world.

When you and I respond today to the gospel message that we hear; when we try the best we can to integrate it into all we think and say and do in a day: we tell God that we "get it;" we are being faithful children of the Father, loving brothers and sisters of Jesus our Shepherd, our Friend and our Lord and ministers in our own right of his marvelous love and life!

I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.

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