Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Nov 30 - 1st Week of Advent - Tuesday

Our readings today, on this second day of the Advent Weekday Season, shows us immediately the painstaking precision of the construction of the lessons during this Advent Season. These took centuries to fine-tune – and now we have a literary masterwork of Holy Scripture at our disposal to “get us in the spirit” of the season of watching and joyful expectation.


Jesus rejoices that his father gives everyone on earth the opportunity to peer into the mysteries of salvation, the mysteries of redemption, the mysteries of the arrival of the Messiah on earth; especially children have at their disposal what theologian have been wrestling with for years. We must be humble like children in order to learn what they learn, to know what they know – about God, about life, about salvation!


The Prophet Isaiah today tells us what kind of a Messiah Jesus will be: one with the Spirit of the Lord resting upon him: “a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a Spirit of counsel and of strength, a Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord – and his delight will be fear of the Lord” – his delight will be his total satisfaction in being exactly who he is: Son of God, Son of Man – nothing more, nothing less.


It is interesting to note: that what rests on the coming Messiah is also the same Spirit that rests on us, with the same gifts on the day of our Confirmation. We too – are chosen and sent to make a difference in the world, to bring hope and light into a dark place, to bring warmth and love wherever we go.


May we today be steeped in the “spirit of Advent” – a season of gleaming joyful purple light of the dawn of redemption – a season of giving the peace of Christ to all we meet.


Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace forever.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Nov 29 - 1st Week of Advent - Monday

 At this first weekday Mass of the new Advent Season, our readings continue the wonderful theme of HOPE that was set yesterday as we lit the first Advent Candle in our Wreath and reflected on the hope that light brings to darkness: the light of Christ brings to the world.


The first reading today from the Prophet Isaiah expands the theme and assures us that for those who are faithful the very “glory of the Lord” – the Lord of Light and Power – will be a shelter and protection: shade from the parching heat of day, refuge and cover from storm and rain.


Our conscious act of faith in the forthcoming Messiah can bring the same results. And we will be able to “go rejoicing to God’s house!” – on that grand and glorious day!


The gospel passage is a very special one and stays with the theme: Jesus is so grateful that someone, even though he was not of the religion of Israel, had real true, genuine and authentic FAITH. And the request that was made was granted because of that faith. And, of course, this scene gives us the context of those beautiful words that we recite in our Mass right before the reception of holy communion when we say: observing the elevated Body of Christ: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant (my soul) will be healed.”


We are off again on another Advent adventure – watching, waiting, seeking, yearning, longing – to see the Lord Christ as He really is: may we see his face when it does indeed shine on us, this day! Amen.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Nov 21 - Solemnity of Christ the King

Today is summation Sunday in the Catholic Church! It all comes down to Christ the Lord, Christ the King: Christ the Savior of the World! To think that the world is a random conglomeration of purposely non-interrelating parts and particles is to see things completely amiss! Everything came from One source, and it is all returning there for sure and for certain! All of creation knows this, the trees, the plants, the animals, the birds and the fish – it is the human species – with reason and free-will that seems to have the most problem getting some kind of grasp on the “larger picture” – the “major plan” – the Creator/Father’s “diary!”


God could have drawn us into the life of his unimagined beatitude and bliss simply, effortlessly and without a whimper from us – but he chose not to do it that way. He chose not to make us robot-like clones of his; rather, he wanted us to be graced, truly graced with his most cherished possession: personhood with freedom of will (freedom to love), and a rational mind, the ability to think and to plan the ways of our loving!


We were never meant to be “off on our own” in some fantasy existence apart from him! He is our Father, he is our Protector, he is our Defender and he is our Destiny! And this applies to every person on the earth. And to make this all very clear: he sent his own Son to become one of us, so that he can communicate very clearly of his love, his intentions and his plans. All we have to do is to freely love to cooperate, and cooperate freely in loving one another as he loves us!


The only thing that really matters for humans is “love” – we are born to love, to interact, to be instruments of peace and joy in one another’s lives – in as selfless a way as possible. [Scientific proof of this: “The Brain” on TV PBS – our brains are wired to interact with and be in relation to other brains and persons – plain and simple].


And so Jesus came as the fullness and richness of God to lead us home; he is therefore Lord (as Son of the Father), he is King as the central figure of all human and created history, and he is Savior of the World – as no one else could ever be qualified to do the job: God was offended by man; only a Man-God could repair the damage!


Today then, we hail Christ Jesus not only as our Lord and King and Savior (though he truly is these for sure); but we also hail him as our Brother and Shepherd and Friend! The family that we belong to because of him is enormous and amazing! May we rejoice in our membership in the Kingdom today, and tout the fact that we are members of a truly Royal Family: the Celestial Family of God!


The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty – let all nations fall down and worship him sooner rather than later – it is only in this way that there will be peace on earth and good will towards all people, everywhere!




And now as an adjunct to the regular Sunday homily, as Joyful Servants of the Cross (of the Nuptial Observance), we, from this moment forth, refer to us as our NAME, “Fledgling Private Association of the Faithful” – since, after due consultation with diocesan officials, in which we reside, and after learning from them that a PAF is what we have been all along since our inception on June 29, 2005 in Boston, MA. We now undertake in the ensuing months leading up to, next June, the 17th Anniversary of our Original Foundation – to construct new credential documents, such as, clearly formed and stated Constitutions and Bylaws that can more readily reflect our already extant structures and formulations that have served us well these 16 and a half years.


Imploring and asking, Jesus, King of All Creation to focus and energize our newest manifestation of devotion, following the canons that pertain to us, we open up membership, enthusiastically and immediately to all those who want to henceforth associate themselves with us as we, lay, and clergy attempt to live a religious vocation in the familiar settings in which we find ourselves every day – seeking all the while the moment that will be the last, and we continue eternally from that point on to say: with perfect freedom: here I am, here you are, here we are – all together in love, in the heart of God, forever!


 We are happy to announce that as of Sunday November 21, the Solemnity of Christ the King, the Joyful Servants of the Cross will begin a six month process of becoming a recognized Private Association of the Faithful - see www.rjoy4u.org  for complete information. Father Bill Dinga who publishes this website - is also the "Abbot-Guardian" and Co-Founder with Br. Richard William Steinberg, RN as "Prior-Guardian" - Sadly, the physical presence of Br. Richard ceased on February 5, 2018 - but in his eternal person - Richard is still very much alive and with us and a continued part of the foundations of our organization. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Nov 7 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

+ Thursday of this week, though not being a religious holiday, is nevertheless held in great esteem by all Americans, and finds its way into its religious celebrations on this day: the day is November 11, 2021.  For us, as Americans, this is traditionally known as Veteran’s Day, being established as such by a Congressional Act at the request of President Calvin Coolidge in 1939, “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and hereafter known as Armistice Day.” This reflects the origins of the day with that of the German signing of the Armistice which was transpired at the 11th hour of the 11thday of the 11th month of 1918, which thus formally ended the major hostilities of World War I. It was President Dwight D Eisenhower who was responsible for changing the word “Armistice” with “Veterans,” in 1956, thus making this date, at least to this point the National “Veterans Day” recognition and celebration.

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving.


And so now we reflect for a few moments on what this national day of remembrance has to do with our readings today, and our Eucharistic celebration. It has everything to do with them.


Our readings can speak to us of our nation’s pride in those who served in the military in any capacity for time immemorial. Jesus himself was a member of an amazing, though transcendent native land; and he himself was placed in the charge of maintaining its sovereignty among all the nations of the earth, in a spiritual sense; thus he is also meant to be in charge of loving hearts of those who are willing to help the cause out!


Going ahead first, Jesus, himself bravely and personally cleared the way for all his followers by making the ultimate sacrifice of his own life for the spiritual liberation of all of us, and all in the world. And then he enlisted an army of disciples to help him lead home all who would take refuge in the teeming celestial shores of plenty and prosperity – provided by his Father, who is Lord and Master of all!


What is unprecedented and unrepeatable is that the One Sacrifice of Christ sufficed for everyone, everywhere and at all time; and it is the Truth that he lived and died for, the Life that he made known and desired to share, and the Way that he pointed out quite literally – that can motivate everyone, to live a life of self-sacrifice and helpfulness to all in need.


A soldier, a disciple and a widow with almost nothing to live on can have one thing in common: if they give themselves away completely to God and his will: for them there will be food for a year, a clear path of discipleship and a service record to be proud of!


And so, on this Veteran’s Day, we thank the widow, the disciple and the soldier for surrendering their own fears and input into plans and situations, and choosing what angels and good spirits tell them is the right thing to do!


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

Happy New Year 202

  A Happy New Year to you all! I hope and pray I am able to keep this blog up to date now that we are entering into the New Year! I would li...