Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Homily for Wednesday October 10, 2007

The dramatic saga of Jonah and God continues in the first reading today. Jonah, apparently, is more of an ill-suited prophet than we suspected in yesterday’s reading. Not only is he a reluctant prophet, but he also seems to be a resentful prophet. When his prophesying is effective he becomes angry, very angry, angry enough to die, angry enough to ask God to take his life - he asks to die twice in this short reading.

Jonah is quite angry because God truly is a God of mercy and love as he deals with his creatures. Jonah on the other hand can only see things in terms of earthly, vindictive justice and retribution. Even when God shows a bit of extra special care for Jonah by providing a temporary respite and relief from the strong hot wind and scorching sun of the desert, Jonah is upset that it only lasted one day - and yet again, he is ready to die.

This calling on God to end his life is reminiscent of the plea of Elijah who thought himself a failure as a prophet! God did not answer his cry! Jonah makes the same plea, but it is rather because he is overwhelmingly successful as a prophet! What neither prophet fully understood is that it is God who is in charge of the justice - it is God who is in charge of the punishment, if there is to be any - it is God who arranges and executes the offer of conversion!

Any worthwhile prophet would rejoice in the mercy and graciousness of God - because who knows? one day - in fact, one day, very soon, he himself might be in need of such great mercy and graciousness that belies the system of values of this world!

In the gospel passage today, Jesus teaches the disciples, and all of us to pray: Father (which means: you are totally in charge, we are but children, and adopted children at that!), holy is your name (just saying this makes us holier than we were before we said it, because we exist in him who is holiness), your Kingdom come (a kingdom of truth, goodness, beauty, justice and love - that has a sense all its own, over and above what natural intelligence can deduce). Give us each day our daily bread (give us exactly what we need just for this day, materially, but more especially, spiritually - give us the Bread of Heaven to be our companion along the way home to you), forgive us our sins, for we forgive everyone in debt to us (in your kind of mercy and graciousness - which is a totally free gift - forgive us, Father - but, fairly, only to the extent that we are willing to forgive others, all others), and do not subject us to the final test (there will be a Day of Reckoning - but for those who live their lives as closely as possible to the Father and the Son, this day will not be terrible - the test will be an easy one - and the fullness of life will begin at once!)

Our thoughts are not your thoughts and our ways are not your ways - thankfully, and mercifully loving God! On account of this we ask you not to take our lives away! but rather to increase the joy of our lives, according to your justice and your mercy and your love!

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