Sunday, December 23, 2007

Homily - 12-23-07 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

This is the fourth and final Sunday in Advent. The time of anticipation and preparation will give way to the reality of the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ! No one’s birthday is anticipated, prepared for or celebrated with any greater intensity than that of Jesus Christ!

The reason is that no other life has done what his did! It reversed the course of human history: a monumental and supernatural feat! It straightened everything out! It made all the difference in the world! (But that story is for tomorrow night!)

Today, we look deep inside ourselves to see if everything is cleared and ready! As St. John the Baptist cried out: PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD! MAKE STRAIGHT A HIGHWAY FOR OUR GOD! Is there a straight, clear, clean, level, smooth, open path between our hearts and heaven? Are all of the cobwebs and dirt piles of sin and stubbornness removed? Are selfishness, conceit and pride banished?

Now is the hour to turn to God’s mercy and ask that our hearts be remade - by the power and working of the Holy Spirit! There is nothing we can do on our own to make ourselves ready for a deep and meaningful experience of Christmas - but God can do everything to make it happen! It only takes our response and our cooperation!

Our readings today are about prophets and angels and saintly people! We are already in their company due to our baptism! We are as much a prophet as any of the prophets; we join the angels and saints every time we celebrate Mass! The most important part of our lives takes place on the supernatural level - that is why the sign of a virgin with child by the power of God - is not difficult to understand at all!

Our faith tells us that it is perfectly possible! God can do whatever he wants, however he wants to! (He even prefigured this reality by means of another miracle: the burning bush: the bush burning without being consumed is a symbol of Mary’s perpetual virginity: she was consumed with the presence of Jesus before, during and after his birth, yet remained a virgin throughout the entire process!)

An angel tells St. Joseph that the child to be born of Mary is very special indeed - and so Joseph does as the angel tells him: he takes Mary into his home as his wife - and when she delivers her son: he names him Jesus - because he will save his people from their sins! This again, is not so difficult to understand for those who are baptized - who have the gift of faith to be able understand and believe these happenings!

Paul in the second reading reminds us that he is called to be an apostle: one who is to bring the good news of the gospel far and wide! We are called to be evangelizers as well! Good news cannot not be shared! Everyone can’t wait to tell someone when they have something amazing to share!

The greatest and best thing of all has happened 2000 years ago - and the news is still spreading - it cannot be contained! We have Christmas so we can remind ourselves of the details of how it all started! And retelling the entire story should move us to want to share the story - share the power for living and giving - that comes with the story - share the Eucharistic life we celebrate at this Mass which fuels our resolve and our response!

Let us let the Lord enter our hearts tomorrow night as he never has before - for he is the king of glory - he is our King of Glory! - to proclaim and share with all the world!

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