Sunday, September 6, 2009

Homily – September 6, 2009 – Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

+ Part of the Catholic baptism ceremony is to touch the ears of the baptized, and to touch the mouth, with an accompanying "Ephphatha! Be opened!"command. What occurred in the gospel passage is the direct scriptural reference for this ritual. A miraculous healing of the ears and then corresponding ability to speak clearly – if they are not done in order to pave the way to giving glory to God always – have been erroneously, and have been sought with a duplicitous motive. The reason that God cures anyone from anything is for his own glory; not the glory of the one cured, nor the one or ones instrumental in the curing! Maybe this is why so many miraculous cures do not take places these days: they are sought after for the wrong reason! The glory of God and his will must be the sole reason for seeking healing and miraculous intercession: and then God will proceed according to that will, his, to bring about the very best possible solution to the prayer request for healing! It's all up to him! And this may, or may not correspond with what we think and feel the answers might be!

But just the fact that God definitely can effect a miracle ought to be reason enough to seek out the proper way in which to ask for one, and then to use it!

There are two kinds of miracles that Jesus was fully equipped to perform: the interior and the exterior. Opening the eyes of the blind, clearing the ears of the deaf, allowing the cripple to leap like a stag, and the tongue of the mute to sing are the exterior ones: they are easy to recognize when obtained! The interior ones though, usually have exterior manifestations: any type of opening and clearing and renewing of the mind and heart leading to a more virtuous life is an example of this kind; but the greatest of all interior miracles is the miracle of conversion: the miracle of turning around and facing the Lord Jesus and accepting all of the grace and love and gifts that he has to offer. This is an enormous miracle! Hopefully, then, once one has allowed oneself to be thus loved by God, he in turn will externally find himself unable not to love others more genuinely in return: to treat others more fairly and justly, to work tirelessly for all of the needy but especially the poor, and to shed his own need for gold rings and fine clothes and the lifestyle of the rich and famous!

Jesus truly is found in the poor – and so identifying with them and helping them is about the most redemptive thing that one can do!

As we begin our busy fall schedules, and we continue to benefit from the fruits of our labors*(LDW) – let us not forget those who simply profit less than we do – and who need and have a right to our friendship, care and aid.

Miracles can abound – externally and internally – for those who respond to the baptismal miracle that they have already received: opened ears to listen to God's word; and then a cleared tongue to speak out and sing out his praise and glory by defending the rights of the poor – both now and forever!

God bless you!

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