Friday, October 9, 2009

Homily – October 9, 2009 – St. John Leonardi

+ John Leonardi was born at Diecimo, Italy. He became a pharmacist's assistant at Lucca, studied for the priesthood, and was ordained in 1572. He gathered a group of laymen about him to work in hospitals and prisons, became interested in the reforms proposed by the Council of Trent, and proposed a new congregation of secular priests. Great opposition to this proposal developed, but in 1583, his association (formally designated Clerks Regular of the Mother of God in 1621) was recognized by the bishop of Lucca with the approval of Pope Gregory XIII. John was aided by St. Philip Neri and St. Joseph Calasanctius, and in 1595 the congregation was confirmed by Pope Clement VIII. John Leonardi died in Rome on October 9th of the plague contracted while he was ministering to the stricken. He was venerated for his miracles and religious fervor and is considered one of the founders of the College for the Propagation of the Faith. He was canonized in 1938 by Pope Pius XI.

The first reading today speaks of the fragility, vulnerability and humility that are needed to be a true, genuine and authentic disciple and worker for the Lord. A true disciple does not preach himself, but the Lord Jesus Christ. The light shining out of darkness shines for the good of the world: and this light is the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ. St. John Leonardi was a true and real ambassador for Christ and his gospel message of care and concern for the poor.

The gospel passage, of course, is all about what happens when we trust in the Lord completely and do whatever he tells us to do: in this case, "lower our nets" into the sea of life. Amazing things happen, and the catch is more than satisfying for us. And we can see how little we are, and how great God is and how much we owe him who provides everything for us! May we this day trust God, do what he tells us and watch what happens. We will see amazing things.

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 Folks, this is a significant and disturbing thing that I say to you today. We are surely and verifiably in "the end of the end times!!...