Monday, February 8, 2010

Homily – February 8, 2010 – Fifth Week in Ordinary Time - Monday

+ In our first reading today we have pictured the Ark of the Covenant that God made with his chosen people of the Old Testament. The ark was a wooden construct that housed the two tablets of stone – the commandments – that God had given Moses on Mt. Sinai. Adorning it were images of two cherubim angels with their wings spread over the ark to protect it. And a cloud filled the meeting tent which contained the ark and was the very presence of God himself. Then Solomon said: "The Lord intends to dwell in the dark cloud; after I have built him a princely house, a dwelling where he may abide forever!"

This imagery foretells the time when Jesus would come. He himself would be the new Ark of the Covenant. The new law of God would dwell within his flesh and blood. The commandments of God the Father: to love God with all one's being, and to love others as one loves oneself: would dwell in his heart. The Holy Spirit of God would come to rest within Jesus as would a cloud. And angels assigned to the task would watch over him and protect him always as he went about doing what God would have him do in regard to our salvation!

Isn't it wonderful to know that this same Lord Jesus, Son of David and Solomon, also comes to rest within us: to fill us with the presence also of his Spirit, to assign protecting angels to watch over us, and to make us agents of his love, care and compassion toward his people remaining on earth. This happens when we pray. This happens when we receive him in Holy Communion. This happens when we perform acts of charity and friendship!

As noted in the gospel passage today, the powerful presence of Jesus within us can affect healing in others just as Jesus himself was the source of such healing power. He wants healthy, whole, happy people – members of his family, members of the kingdom, and members of his Body the Church. And he needs our help in making people such!

May our faith today be the reason for our hope and loving charity as we help Jesus upbuild his vision for the world!

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