Friday, September 22, 2017

Sep 22 - 24th Week in OT - Friday

+ We have brief but powerful readings today at mass. The first reading finds St. Paul telling Timothy, one of the first second generation bishops of the Church that the worldly rich risk missing out on a truly authentic and genuine Christian life, if they so choose to avail themselves of gospel preaching and teaching. The two values: the world, and Christ’s teachings, are worlds apart and not compatible with one another.

Basically, Paul is saying that if you have food and clothing – and albeit a modest and comfortable place to live – you have it all. Any money made that provides luxuries over and above that fall into the temptation category where purchased and acquired items may choke off the spirit of poverty and poorness that Jesus says is essential for the soul to be unfettered enough to seek God and be satiated by him.

The love of money is indeed the root of all evils. The love of God and his ways is the root of all happiness and peace – both here and eternally.

So we my aim to be saintly and religious (having rightly set priorities) asking to be filled with faith and love, gentleness and patience. This is the good fight of faith that ought to occupy our daily living.

The gospel passage finds Jesus going about from town to town telling about exactly this topic: a saintly, religious life – that he himself is modeling and empowering people to live by – is the way to go. And he is gathering followers, both men and women, young and old, no doubt. And they shall not be disappointed – nor shall we be if we follow and are filled with the life of Jesus – as he offers it to us daily by Word and Sacrament – and by empowering us to help others from the bottom of our hearts! 

Happy the poor in spirit, the kingdom of heaven really is theirs!

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