Saturday, August 18, 2018

Aug 18 - Saturday 19th Week in OT

+ Our readings today are eerily right on target! In the first reading from the Prophet Ezekiel we are reminded and told outright that God will judge you on your ways: “Fathers have eaten green grapes, thus their children’s teeth are on edge!” This means that fathers and sons shall be judged on their own conduct, and not on what they eat! The virtuous man who tries his very best to always do what is right and fair and just on behalf of others shall live!

But his own son, if he be a thief, a murderer, a gouger – this son shall certainly not live, and so be condemned by our own kind of justice laid out in the Proverb, but derived from the supernatural divine law and order of God.

The bottom line here however, is God urging and exhorting his people to repent, return and live! Make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit – or one day it will be too late. And this has everything to do with the political debacle that is playing out in D.C. The president must be stopped, and brave citizens are now called upon the do the right thing, or the bystanders will be classified with the thieves, the murders and the malcontents – and they shall surely be held accountable on the Last Day!  

The gospel passage can’t be more on target with the explosive bombshell reports both of the episcopacy and the priesthood – in the articles on Archbishop McCarrick of Washington, and the Pennsylvania Diocese exposition of gross and grotesque abuse of children, boys and girls, over the past 70 years by clergy who formed a “syndicate of sorts” to pass around victims to one another. In the gospel passage Jesus tells us in no uncertain terms that the Kingdom of God belongs to children! children whom we wanted to feel free enough to come to him even in this life for blessings and hugs. But the molester, and rapists and sodomists who rob and steal them not only of physical and mental security and safeness, but most importantly of all “spiritual refuge” the refuge that the church ought offer when dastardly things happen in one’s life. When these children now adults have nowhere to turn – they are the most pitiable of all God’s children on earth.

To this end, as of yesterday, the Joyful Servants of the Cross are now committed for the life of this Congregation to pray a rosary daily in Repentance for and Reparation of the Damage Done by Priests of any rank throughout the world who have stolen precious childhood away from the most innocent of God’s creatures: boys and girls who are God’s favorites. and the treasure of the church!

May God have mercy on us all!

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Sep 15 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Our Lady of Sorrows

  + Our readings today that have to do with the suffering and Passion of Christ, come this year one day after the Feast of the Exaltation of...