Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jun 25 - 12th Week in OT - Tuesday

+ Our gospel passage today has to do with a couple of hard sayings of Jesus. Enter the kingdom through the narrow gate, is one saying; there are only a few who find it, is the second saying.

These sayings are hard because they are not sugar-coated, egocentric, or “metaphorical!” They say what they mean. The narrow gate that is offered to us, is the gate of accepting reality as it is, dealing with it, and seeing the will of God in everything that comes our way: either directly or indirectly, either willed or allowed. The happy-go-lucky, easier, softer way is the wide way that leads ultimately to perdition. It is the way of glitter, glamour, me-first; it is the way of power, greed, lust and lavish lifestyle; it is a way that  replaces God with a myriad of idols that soothe the savage beast within who is competing for possession of the soul.

The road to perdition leads to hell, plain and simple: hell is a state of eternal separation, eternal egoism which has no power at all to save one, eternal darkness and tortuous enactments that will just never cease. Heaven is just the opposite, the state of eternal inclusion, eternal communion, eternal togetherness, eternal good-times, eternal love and peace and joy and wisdom, the way won by the defeat of evil by The God/Man, the Messiah/Saviour, Jesus, the Lord of Everything.

And so what this means is that we must not throw holy things to the dogs, to mix a metaphor – we must now throw pearls before swine: we must seek, ask for, and cherish all that God gives us personally and directly to cooperate in our own fulfillment and destiny – but it is a hard way because it demands literally moment by moment rechoosing, re-deciding, reprioritizing everything so that it is in alignment with what God’s will and purpose is for our life: and that has everything to do with being a willing and cheerful instrument in His hands to bring about good things in the lives of others: if we are all open to this then our own needs will be met, and so will the needs of all others – now this is heaven – this is the opposite of the very real condition of hell!

Blessed are you Lord, Father of heaven and earth, who has revealed the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children: your children, me!

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