Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May 27 - 7th Week of Easter - Wednesday

+ Our readings today are quite spectacular both in their drama and in their content: Paul is addressing the newly ordained priests of Ephesus for the last time, and Jesus asks his Father to consecrate his apostles and all priests in the truth. This is astounding actually: it is now possible to be absolutely sure concerning the essence and true nature of those things that have to do with the salvation of the human race: which is virtually everything; just as Jesus was meant to be the clearing house for all truth because he is the truth-made-flesh – so too his Mystical Body, beginning with those members who reside with Christ as Head: they would be the vendors and protectors of Truth in the world.


It would therefore behoove the world to take notice of what the true teaching authority of the Church is proposing, especially in the generic, bland, sterile, secular society that is being created before our very eyes. Now while such truth can always be unraveled more and more, the truth about anything cannot change: especially who Jesus is and what he teaches.


St. Paul warns the Ephesian priests to beware of those who will come to destroy the truth (even members from their own communities), very much like the efforts to destroy Jesus himself – but especially now that Jesus reigns as victor over any confronting power, so too the Ephesians will reign victorious if they focus on the Gospel as given – and the entire remaining Scriptures as setting and application of this Divine communication for our welfare.


And as we find ourselves again today confronted with the “truth” about the Coronavirus, and the truth about what can slow it down, and what can eventually, maybe, contain and successfully fight it vaccine-wise – we must believe that truth is truth no matter where it lies – it is not only a privileged possession of the clergy – anyone searching for truth – will eventually find it – and some are closer than others. Therefore, it will behoove us to follow the data, follow the expertise and educated opinions and reports of the medical professionals and scientists who are laboring day and night on our behalf.


You will know if something is good or true, by the fruit and/or results it produces. Let us be awake, aware, and understanding that this process works, is verifiable, and will save lives, maybe even our own.


God speaks only truth, so that our feet may be guided safely [and healthily) to him!


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