Monday, February 8, 2021

Feb 8 - 5th Week in OT - Monday

+ The first reading today recounts the very opening passages of the entire Bible. And what it recounts is God’s magnificent expansiveness in his breathtaking acts of creation: light, darkness, day, night, evening and morning; the sky; the earth with its seed-bearing plants; the sun and the moon and the stars! What an imagination God had, and what resources he had at his disposal to carry it out: his unlimited, immeasurable Divine Wisdom and Will.


It is up to us to regard and appreciate all of creation around us and to take care of it – as it was given and provided by God for our very benefit and use. For if we do not do so then we are insulting and snubbing the very God who made us and sustains us. There is nothing like an ungrateful child – even in God’s family. Let us look around today – really look around as see the lavish and opulent environment that God has placed right outside our doors; what programs do we support and take part in to ensure the beauty and bountifulness of the land, sea and air.


The gospel passage today talks about another kind of recognition: that of Jesus, the Messiah, as also healer and restorer. If God created the entire universe by his beneficence, then he can also certainly put back together those parts of creation that have become damaged or diseased in some way. This Jesus easily did. And he continues to do today – for those who believe that he can do it – that he can rebuild what is now broken.


There is nothing that Jesus cannot fix – let us bring our lists to him of heart-felt projects and he will see what he can do about them – answering each request in the best possible way for all involved.


Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and cured every disease among the people.


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