Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Homily for Wednesday October 24, 2007

Our readings today make it clear that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor God’s ways, ours! God can do and does do whatever he chooses to do!

Our saint for today, Anthony Mary Claret, (b. 1807, Salient, Spain) was denied entry into the Jesuit order because of “ill health.” But, God’s will was for him to later become not only a secular priest, but also Archbishop of Santiago, Cuba, and then confessor to Queen Isabella of Spain. He was to be a participant in the First Vatican Council. He also was to found the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, known as the Claretians. All of this is not bad for one deemed “too ill” by a prestigious religious community.

Anthony had the gift of prophecy and performed many miracles. He was opposed by the liberal forces of Spain and Cuba and endured many trials. He died in a Cistercian monastery in 1870.

In the gospel passage today, we see Jesus choosing whom he wishes for the work he has in mind - Simon and Andrew (who would become fishers of men) rather than just fishermen; James and John - also fishermen who would use their talents and their strengths to bring Gentile people to the Church of their future!

In the first reading today the Prophet Isaiah describes what a beautiful sight it is to watch an ambassador of God making his way through the countryside announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation: and saying: “Your God is King!”

A great many saints were handpicked by God to accomplish great things - in spite of, and in fact, because of their own personal weakness and sickness and inability to trust in themselves. He did this to ensure that the work done is not done by them, but by God, through them. This applies to all who work for God.

All of us who are baptized are chosen and assigned some task in bringing the Kingdom of God to fruition and completion. Our physical, mental and emotional “conditions” can only serve him, no matter what “condition” they might be in - if we give them completely to him - and believe that we are nothing, he is everything; we have nothing to give, he has everything to give through us; we are totally unworthy, but his grace makes us shine before men like the stars in the heavens.

Today let us surrender our wills, our hearts and our lives and follow Jesus - so that he may make of us what he wants - despite what anyone else might think of us - or judge us capable of!

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