Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Homily – 06-18-2008 – Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time - Wednesday

It was important, even in Old Testament times, for the people of God to feel a true sense of continuity or connectedness between generations and from one religious leader to another. The first reading today tells about the "passing on of the mantle of power" of Elijah to Elisha, who was also chosen by God to continue the work of Elijah – as prophet!

We see both Elijah and Elisha's connection with Moses and the very formation of God's people by the mention of water: the waters that God parted for all three: Moses, Elijah and at the end of the passage, Elisha. The water itself represents both death and new life!

Prophecy was very important in this day in the age of the Israelite community: prophecy meaning not necessarily foretelling the future, but rather a simple communication of God's will and word through people he has chosen to do so. Prophets were very often selected for difficult and unpleasant tasks – such as sternly warning the people of God to mend their ways or else suffer the consequences that God would, out of justice, be forced to inflict upon them. God is a merciful God to the enth degree, but he is also just: it is only fair to everyone involved!

And so, when Elijah was taken up to heaven in a flaming chariot – symbolizing the power of the Holy Spirit of prophecy that filled him – his successor Elisha received, as he had requested, a double portion of that Spirit – so to be equipped to do his God-given task! The double-portion is usually given to the first-born son. Here it refers to the giving of the Spirit to the one specially appointed by God.

In the gospel passage Jesus relates how any of us – who are also filled with the Holy Spirit, with the very love of God himself, with the grace of Jesus – should conduct ourselves: in a quiet, determined yet joyful way: NOT BEING SHOWY OR OSTENTATIOUS like the scribes and the Pharisees of Jesus' day! Three things were very important in the life of a good Jewish person: giving alms, praying, and fasting. God himself told us that these things were essential to maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Doing them in an unshowy, secret way is the proper way to do them. Then, God who sees in secret will reward us. NO ONE LIKES A SHOW OFF, ESPECIALLY NOT GOD!

And so, when we, like Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, his disciples and all who have gone before us have done good and proper religious deeds in a quiet and unassuming way – we can rest assured that God is pleased with us and will bless our efforts and multiply the results of our prayer!

Love the Lord, all you his faithful ones! The Lord keeps those who are constant, but more than requites those who act proudly. Let our hearts take comfort as we hope in the Lord!

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