Saturday, February 7, 2009

Homily – February 7, 2009 – Fourth Week in Ordinary Time - Saturday

Jesus continues in his work among the people; his Apostles do their work as his helpers and Jesus encourages them now to come away with him for a while to rest in a deserted place. It is in the peace and quiet of a deserted, yet holy place that both Jesus and his Apostles could be refreshed and renewed in order to resume their work among God's vast throng of spiritually needy people: the sheep of God's flock! It is in the peace and quiet of a deserted yet holy oratory – wherever it may be - that we can be likewise refreshed and renewed to resume God's work as he assigns it to us among the people he places in our day! We must seek out that oratory for a few minutes, at least, each day!

The first reading today reminds us that all work actually comes from God the Father – who already has in mind how everything works together – and how everything is all supposed to work out! If we but ask his will and then trust that he will provide what is good, right and proper for us to do his will, this day, then he will provide exactly what we need to accomplish it! He will be pleased and he will get the glory – which is the whole purpose for all we do!

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me! (They follow me into everlasting life!) Doing God's will today let us inch our way that much closer to our eternal dwelling place!

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