Thursday, October 31, 2019

Oct 31 - 30th Week in OT - Thursday

+ Jesus laments today the fact that the majority of Jerusalem is not taking seriously the message that he has brought to them of salvation and redemption that is centered in him. Historically, their lives had not been so successful under Roman leadership, and their religious leaders proved to be ineffectual in leading them to right conclusions. And so, Jesus wants so much to gather together the true children of his Father, like a hen does a brood under her wings – but they would not.

We must note in this gospel passage that the reference to the Pharisees here warning Jesus to leave the area because Herod wants to kill him, is the only positive reference to them in the New Testament. Jesus’ response was to tell them and Herod that he must do what he must do, not be deterred, and according to his own timeframe: Herod has no real power over him at all.

We read in the first reading today from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans that we have an opportunity each and every day, in fact each and every hour of the day and moment by moment, to be gathered into the heart of Christ. He yearns to have us safely there, so that he can protect, nourish and strengthen us. And so nothing then should be able to separate us from that indomitable loving relationship: not death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth nor any creature at all.

May we rejoice in the reality of spiritual dynamics, and God’s initiative to gather us unto himself, both now and forever!

Save me, O Lord, in your mercy!

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