Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Jan 15 - 1st Week in OT - Wednesday

­­+ Today we continue the important reading about Samuel, the son of Hannah’s old age in it we see set up the grand paradigm of right relation to God as his instrument, as his ambassador. The right relation in question is the attitude and active intent of “listening to the voice of God speaking, listening as his servant” – him who is the Master Artist, Designer and Architect of, well, everything, and everyone. Wouldn’t you rather respond to the promptings of one who has implanted in you a “listening device,” much like TV anchor persons has the ear piece connecting them to their control room producers and directors, advising them of what’s next on the agenda of the show.

The device is really there, it is called “conscience” – it is called the “seat of wisdom” – it is called right reasoning – it is called humility – knowing that we do not know where we are going, really, and so we need someone in the control room providing boundaries and encouragements so that we go the way he intends, so that all works out well for all involved in the day he has planned for you and the others involved in your life in some way.

And so we have Samuel asleep who hears the voice of God calling him: “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel does not know what is going on, so he goes and asks his mentor: the first two times Eli the mentor, just tells him to go back to sleep – but the third time – there is always a third, confirming, time, he tells Samuel to say the classic words: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening!” And the rest, as they say is history. Samuel is launched into the best and greatest adventure of his life, by giving up the driver’s seat of the vehicle of his life; and God now has a truly willing collaborator, friend and servant to do his bidding so that a great many people can be put on the right track to heaven.

Needless to say, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening!” is a great way to launch yourself into your day, as soon as you become conscious in your bed – a great way indeed. What an adventure you will be a part of in the next 18 hours.

The gospel passage is related to all this in some way: Jesus is seen moving and not lingering, from one town to another – “speaking loudly to people of God’s compassionate and forgiving love and care.” He speaks both using words, and the actions of miracles. To those who “LISTEN and RESPOND” great things begin happening in their lives, to those who don’t, can’t or won’t – well, it will take a bit longer to get their attention. But we pray, that one day all will be stung by the words, works, of Jesus – and begin freely to take in what he says, and does, and allow it to make a critical, real and awesome difference in their lives, and the lives of those who touch theirs.

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord. I know them, and they follow me.   

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