Sunday, January 24, 2021

Jan 24 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

+ Our readings today focus on our willingness to change, readjust, adapt and embrace something that rings truer than anything else we will ever hear or encounter: the Word of Life, the Gospel, the Good News of the Lord.  It is the very essence of Fallen human nature to be rigid, rebellious, unadaptable and isolated; and unfortunately, the old saying “misery loves company” applies well here. Yet, there is nothing more miserable than “a nest of squealing rats on a sinking ship!”


In the gospel passage we see Jesus himself first proclaiming the gospel of God: THIS IS THE TIME OF FULFILLMENT. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND. REPENT, AND BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL!  And then we see him walking along the Sea of Galilee and calling Simon and Andrew, James and John – two sets of brothers who were fishermen whom he was inviting now to become a different kind of “fisherman:” proclaimers with him of this great and awesome news that the entire redemption of the human race was happening right before their eyes and that everyone could now benefit from it.


The first reading prophesys what happens when a group of people, a city, listens to sound preaching believes that they are receiving a message from God – and then change their lives to follow his ways: the Ninevites have something to teach us! The second reading encourages us who live in the final age to live as though the end really may be at any time, not so much interested in taking our comfort but in helping other people attain their salvation. What could be more important than that!


And so, may we, with God’s grace and mercy be willing to change, readjust, adapt and embrace all that rings true, as we encounter: the Word of Life, the Gospel, the Good News of the Lord; and then may we share what we experience with all we meet each and every day.


Teach me your ways, O Lord.

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