Thursday, February 18, 2021

Feb 18 - Thursday after Ash Wednesday

+ We have two remarkably interesting readings on this second day of Lent. They seem to contradict one another but they don’t. In the first reading Moses tells the people to choose life, rather than death! In the gospel passage Jesus in essence tells his disciples to choose death, rather than life. So, how can you do both? Well, this is how: Jesus in reality is telling his disciples to choose “death to self,” [self-will, selfish-ness, self-satisfaction] in order to gain what is truly valuable in life here, which will lead to a superabundant life hereafter. [Choosing death, in this case is the same as choosing life!] This of course is all after the example of Jesus who freely chose death, death on a cross, so that he himself and we, by his resurrection, might have life, resurrected life, and have it more abundantly, and that we might have our sins forgiven.


May we this Lent take upon ourselves some “don’ts and do’s” to fine tune our spiritual life-affirming sensibilities; but more than that may we be on the lookout to choose any opportunity out there to put what we learn when we listen to God, into practice: helping others – random acts of kindness, done for love of God! He will be very pleased and we will have a very prosperous Lent!


Blessed are those who delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night!

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