Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mar 30 - Tuesday of Holy Week

+ Our readings today tell of three things: the glory that awaits Jesus for seeing through his task of redemption for the likes of us; and the two types of potentially redeemed: the kind who betray Jesus (like Judas) in a very cold and calculated sort of way: not seeing past their own selfish vision and who never see the error of their ways; and the kind who deny Jesus (like Peter) but who later recant and are forgiven!


All of us betray and deny Jesus at times: Jesus who came to be a light to the nations and the glory of Israel. This day of Holy Week let us reflect all day on how easy it is to go “another way,” to choose being “children of Adam” rather than children of God, to bask in “self-made counterfeit light,” rather than the glory of the Lord that we are called to live within. And let us choose to go the harder way with Jesus; to be children of the Father, with Jesus; to be filled with the light and glory which is our inheritance!


Hail to you, our King, obedient to the Father; you were led to your crucifixion like a gentle lamb to the slaughter.

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