Monday, May 3, 2021

May 3 - Sts Philip and James

+ In these days now leading away from Easter, and up to the feasts of the Ascension of Jesus, and then Pentecost, Jesus is trying to give his very last discourses and lessons to his soon to be inaugurated apostles and ambassadors to the world. Today he is making the point – again – because it seems this is a difficult one for the Eleven to hang on to – the Father and I are one! Easy to say, hard to grasp!


Philip, the Father, who is in heaven, the one that I taught you to pray to, and I, are one! We are of one substance (consubstantial) as St. Athanasius – whose feast was just yesterday helped define 300 years later at the Council of Nicea – when heretics were trying to say that Jesus not just a creature of the Father, and not one with him or a part of him. No, Jesus repeats to Philip, the Father and I are one, so when you see me, you see the Father, and when you hear me you hear him, because I do not say or do anything that does not come from him: I AM HIS LIVING ENFLESHED SPEECH – in words and in action!


And so, if you believe in me – and you believe in what I say and do – you can ask for anything in my nameanything which has to do with helping others and building up the kingdom (this is the only condition) – and I will do it for you! In this way you too will be co-creators with me for a world of justice, peace, and love – and the Father will be pleased – and you will be so joyful to be his son or daughter.


That was about Philip, now about James.


In the first reading we hear St. Paul telling the Corinthians that the gospel he preaches is what is saving them, and so hang on to it for dear life! I have handed on to you something of immense importance: something that I received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures; that he was buried, and was raised on the third day, then appeared first to Peter, then the Eleven then many others and these were to continue handing on this precious deposit of faith until the end of time.


And so along with St. Philip, St. James (not son of Zebedee or brother of John) but rather son of Alphaeus, and Mary who stood at the cross with the mother of Jesus – was one of those sent to tell the Jesus story and to preside over the Church in Jerusalem. This he did until he was clubbed to death in 62, giving his life for his Master, his Lord and his personal Friend, Jesus!


For millennia this Jesus story has been told, and the sacraments instituted by Christ have been celebrated, and the life of the Mystical Body of Christ has survived in varying states of glory and disrepair. Each of us has been called to respond with love and generosity to the Holy Spirit’s ever-attentive  plan for the Church that is always underway, making the Church when it cooperates fully, ever fresh and new. I know that on this anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood, (the 46th), I rededicate myself to the unique and particular role that I still possess now as a retired from active ministry, priest, and I invite you as (other ordained or) baptized members of the Body of Christ to rededicate yourself to your role as well:


There is still so much to do in “transliterating” the Message of the GOOD NEWS, and making it touch to the core, touch to the heart, touch to the mind, of every man, woman, and child on the planet – some way, some how! I make this my anniversary prayer and I ask it  in Jesus’ Name hoping it is for God’s glory and the good of God’s beloved people, my friends, neighbors and those assigned to my pastoral care some way, some how  everywhere; hoping that it will be thus answered as promised. Amen!


I am the way, the truth, and the life, says the Lord:

Philip, whoever has seen me has seen the Father.

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