Sunday, March 1, 2009

Homily – March 1, 2009 – First Sunday of Lent

This year – this cycle of readings – year B of St. Mark – we have the very simple accounting of Jesus' temptation in the desert. Mark simply says that the Spirit (the Holy Spirit) drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained there for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. The Spirit stayed and was with him, the angels ministered to him, but they did not influence the outcome of the tempting: Jesus, all on his own, did not divert his attention away from his mission in life: he consciously chose to die on the Cross for us and for our salvation!

This is what the temptation was all about: Satan offered Jesus three ways to be the center of attraction but without the use of the Cross. Jesus ends up by simply telling him to "go away!" "NO! I will not be diverted from my Father's will!" "YES! I will resolutely go for the Cross!" "The Cross has always been a part of my life since the moment of my birth – and it will remain so until my last breath while on it!"

Thank you Jesus for your purity of heart and intention – and your willingness to embrace defeat in order to gain victory!

The first two readings today simply give more information about the process of our redemption and the way in which we participate in it. We are a part of the people that God promised never to destroy again – as he promised Noah and his family – after the flood. We are baptized into Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins – and as a participation in the new and everlasting covenant! The waters of the flood are likened to the waters of baptism that make an end of sin and a new beginning of life and grace and mercy!

This first week of Lent let us reflect daily on the resoluteness of Jesus to keep focused on his task in life: our redemption! Let us thank him for not giving into the temptation to be steered away from it! Let us be so very grateful for our baptismal connection and life in him by which we participate in the effects of his suffering and Cross!

Three practical things that you can do to observe Lent this year – as was mentioned at the Ash Wednesday Mass – are:

Pray – Spend quiet time in silent prayer reflecting on Jesus' amazing love for you! He would have done it all – went through his entire Passion and Death – if it were only you to be saved! Prayerfully thank him, and listen in the depths of your heart to what he has to say to you directly about the whole thing! You are very special and very much loved by him!

Fast – "Giving up something to get something better later" – just makes sense. But, when it involves giving up something for the spiritual purpose of purifying mind and heart and motivation so that you can receive an overabundance of spiritual gifts at a later time: it makes even more sense! Give up the candy, give up the cokes, give up the donuts – but for a spiritual purpose and what you will get on Easter Sunday will be amazing!

Give Alms – Not only "giving up" but "giving tosomeone in need" - is an ancient and highly favored practice in the Church. At one time giving alms was almost equivalent to having your sins forgiven! The secret of it though is to give from your surplus to those with a deficit, who actually have a right to some of your surplus! This is a theological principle of divine charity! It is not like a "handout" – it is sharing with those who do not have, who at a later time can "pay it back – forward" – by the same act of giving alms to someone else! We have such a program – newly resurrected – right here at St. Ambrose: Friends Helping Friends – Help Thy Neighbor. Monies placed in (this) container each week – will be available immediately for the needs of parishioners who need assistance in buying food, fuel oil, clothing, medicine etc. Angela and I are in charge of collecting the monies and distributing them. Please – if you have a need – you or your immediate family members – see Angela or myself. This is how divine charity works! Then when you are able return the monies: pay it back (forward) by placing the amount into the alms-pot!

Jesus went into Galilee after his temptation proclaiming the gospel of God: the Kingdom of God is at hand: Repent and believe in the gospel! We can put our repenting and believing into action this Lent, by PRAYING, FASTING and GIVING ALMS!

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