Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Homily – March 24, 2009 – Fourth Week of Lent - Tuesday

"Create a clean heart for me, O God; give me back the joy of your salvation!" Our readings for this day of Lent would have us consider the amazing restorative and cleansing power of WATER! In the first reading from the Prophet Ezekiel we read how it was WATER flowing from the very temple of the heavenly throne of God (that was a deep as a river that one would have to swim to cross) that was the source of blessing, healing, food and life – and not only for the body, but for the soul!

In the gospel passage the man sitting beside the pool of Bethesda at the Sheep Gate of the Temple knew of the curative powers of the WATER of the pool – and I would imagine that he sensed there was not only an external healing available but also an internal one – a cleansing of the mind and heart!

We too have the opportunity to be washed clean not only with the curative, but also the redemptive WATER flowing from the side of Christ as he hung on the Cross for us and our salvation! The WATER flowing from the temple, the WATER of the pool of Bethesda were but types of this truly regenerating WATER! The entire sacramental life of the Church flows from Jesus and the WATER flowing from his most Sacred Heart as he is raised up above the earth to draw all men to himself.

There are two ways for us (who are baptized in the Easter waters of life) to "stay wet" with the refreshing, renewing and revitalizing WATER OF LIFE: one is by coming to Mass and receiving the Lord Jesus, our Most Beloved Friend, in Holy Communion; and also, by participating on a regular basis (at least twice a year) in the great sacrament of reconciliation, the sacrament of peace, the sacrament of cleansing and purification: the sacrament of confession, the sacrament of Penance!

You can always ask a priest anywhere, anytime you see him to hear your confession, but there will be an opportunity to come together as a group to celebrate a Communal Penance Service (here) at St. John's next Tuesday night at 7pm. The Marist Fathers will be there, as well as other priests, including myself to celebrate forgiveness and reconciliation with you – so that your heart can be as clean as it can be to enter into the Easter Mysteries! I encourage you to attend this Service next Tuesday and to bring others with you. It is the best preparation that there is for Holy Week and Easter!

A clean heart create for me, O God; give me back the joy of your salvation!

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