Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Homily – 04-02-2008 – Second Week of Easter Wednesday

Our readings today show a wide range of feeling and emotion. There is anger, confusion, fear, frustration – but also tenderness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, encouragement, hope - and again, misunderstanding, stubbornness and hardness of heart!

The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles continues with its aim and purpose of demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit in forming the Church of Christ! There was no stopping it! The Sanhedrin was angry that the Apostles were going against their orders – and preaching about the Christ-centered way of life – and about his death and resurrection! They were frustrated because they could not seem to stop these men. They were confused when they thought that they locked them up in jail, and there they were back in the public place preaching about the life of Jesus! They were afraid they were losing control of a bewildering situation!

In the gospel passage – on the other hand we hear mentioned what it is that the Apostles were preaching about: GOD THE FATHER SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life!

What was so threatening and hostile and fearful about that! The Father's tender loving mercy and compassion are immense, and they are for all people – not just including – but primarily for - his chosen people: the children of Israel!

Jesus came to be the hope and the encouragement, the forgiveness and the very redemption of all! So why did the Jewish leaders act the way they did? It is so plain to us! What is going on? They were right there – why wasn't it plain to them!

Well it was first of all, because their understanding of who the real Messiah ought to be was distorted from the outset! They were looking for a political hero, an earthly king to save them from the Romans and make their nation greater than all other nations! The real Messiah however came to be Savior, came to be a spiritual hero – a heavenly king – which he was to the maximum! And so, like their forefathers before them, most of these leaders along with the people they led could not recognize who it was that they were looking at!

Plus, in the second place, it takes FAITH – to really and truly see Jesus – back then, and today! God the Father offers faith to everyone (as I said on Sunday) – he gives us a spiritual ATM card – but we must actually use the faith – use the card – for it to work!

May we use our cards this day and walk in the light of Christ, as one who can see him, by faith! As one who can see each other as brothers and sisters! As one who can see that they condemn themselves who do not believe in Jesus! We or anyone else, not even Jesus, need condemn them!

Jesus did not come into the world to condemn it – it was already condemned: he came to save it! Thank you Jesus, thank you Father, for loving us so very much!

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