Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Homily – 04-09-2008 – Third Week of Easter Wednesday

Again, this Wednesday we have two very powerful readings at Mass. The first reading is about the end of the honeymoon for the Church. The gospel passage is about the very will of the Father in plain words.

After a brief period of a honeymoon – or relaxation and rejoicing in the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit given to the Church on Pentecost – we now see that not everyone was happy with what was going on – especially those who never got what was going on in the first place – especially those who tried to kill off goodness itself as it went about doing what it has come from heaven to do: save their very spiritual lives! We are speaking of the scribes, the Pharisees, the elders – the religious leaders who continued in their stubbornness of heart and stiffness of neck – now to the maximum.

Chief among them was a very zealous young man named Saul – who literally went ranting, raving, cursing and fuming into the homes of Christians and dragged them out into the streets so they could be arrested and thrown in jail. The charge? not a valid one! For they did nothing wrong except to preach, proclaim and celebrate Jesus Christ as risen from the dead: a fact that only the still condemned by their own choice could resist.

It is interesting how Jesus will pick this very persecutor: Saul of Tarsus: to bring the Gospel message to the entire world! Yes, God is in charge!

Those disciples who were scattered by the persecution continued to preach and teach about Jesus – and many came to believe in him because of their efforts. The Apostle Philip was especially successful and many joined the family of Christians at his preaching and the signs and wonders he performed to prove that God is present and cares about his people!

In the gospel passage Jesus continues his "bread of life" explanation: which is the heart of what the Christians were being persecuted for! Jesus says that he himself is "bread of life!" Coming to him to be fed will merit you eternal life! And this, he tells us, is the whole object of his coming to earth, of his death and resurrection, of the sending of the Spirit – to tell us very plainly, loudly and clearly that his Father loves each and every one of us very, very much – and that he wants us to know that the path is now clear, the gates are now open, the choir is all rehearsed, the white garments are all washed and for those who believe in Jesus and eat his flesh and drink his blood - there is eternal life which will commence on the last day! For his flesh and blood are real food for the journey through life – which will end at the Marriage Feast of Heaven!

This is marvelous, exciting and truly GOOD NEWS! It is so good that the whole world needs to know about it!

Two thousand years later and there is still work to be done in this regard – and if we look carefully around at what is going on in the world – a lot of it!

But – the Holy Spirit is in charge of the Church. He always has been. He knows what he is doing and he will gather together into the one fold as many as possible until that Last Day dawns. Then, for those who have been faithful themselves, and who have helped as many others as they could – in their lifetime - become and remain faithful to Jesus – it will be a grand a glorious day!

We shall be raised up to live with God forever!

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