Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Homily – June 23, 2009 – Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time - Tuesday

The gospel passage ought to make all of us a bit uneasy. Have we chosen the "narrow way" that Jesus not only recommends but insists on for those seeking real life? Isn't life meant "to be enjoyed" – do I really have "to be miserable" to be a disciple of Jesus? Yes and no! Yes, life is meant to be enjoyed, and no, one does not have to be miserable to be a disciple of Jesus, but there is a price that must be paid by us, a very slight co-pay compared with the very large amount that Jesus paid on our behalf for our salvation! We must carry our portion of the cross – because we are members of his body, existing in the world, which is still alive – and therefore we need to suffer with Jesus in order to share his resurrection. What is guaranteed is that the suffering will always lead to the resurrection – because the resurrection has already taken place and is always effective.

Jesus, in the same gospel passage, makes very plain what the narrow gate involves: it involves treating others the way we want to be treated. This is such an easy thing for him to suggest, but quite an uneasy thing to implement. There are so many strange and different kinds of people out there; some of them are quite contrary to myself; some of them are quite obnoxious and challenging and quarrelsome: how am I expected to deal with them? Jesus tells us point blank: with the same dignity, respect and compassion with which you want to be treated; the same way that I did it!

Apparently only a few are actually able to carry this out with any real success as Jesus says that those who find the road that leads to life are few; relatively few. Again, may we be among those who do find this way!

All we need do is to follow the light of the world: Jesus: and he will show us how to do it; how to get along with mostly everyone; the way he did it. Remember, Jesus did not necessarily like everyone; liking is not part of the deal, but loving is, being compassionate is, being forgiving is, being willing to give one's life for ones brothers and sisters whether we like them or not is.

I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.

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