Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Aug 16 - Homily for Today

+ After hearing about the plight of the rich young man, the disciples were discouraged and felt sorry for themselves. “Then who can be saved – we all like some of our possessions!” But Jesus encourages them by saying that “all things are possible with God.” And he tells them that though it is very difficult for a camel to get through some of the low-fitted narrow city gates –they do get through – and so even many rich people will get to heaven so long as their possessions don’t own them.

Peter then in an attempt to justify himself and his friends says to Jesus – “Hey, we have given up everything to follow you! What are we going to get for it?” And Jesus assures him that he will indeed get places of great honor in the age to come. Giving up family, friends and lands for his sake will always be a cause for great reward from God.

“The last and the first and the first and the last” may have something to do with those who comprehend these things – and attempt to put them into practice.

May we today be satisfied with being poor so that we might become rich in Christ Jesus our Lord – our Brother and our Friend.

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