Sunday, December 9, 2007

Homily - 12-09-07 - Second Sunday of Advent

On November 30, the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI issued his second encyclical entitled: “Spes Salvi” - “in hope we are saved.” This was a very timely release, just before the beginning of the Advent Season. It is in the redemption wrought by Jesus Christ who came into the world as a tiny baby boy that all our hope resides. Without him there would be no reason for anyone to have hope, ever!

The prophecy of Christ’s coming is very clearly expressed in our first reading today from Isaiah: On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. This means that from all of the wreckage of the past in the history of mankind and in particular the chosen people of Israel - which is figured here as but a rotted out stump of a tree - there will come forth the hope of renewal, the hope of salvation, the hope of redemption!

A bud shall blossom - and it will be the beginning of faith in the only one who could bring about such a renewal: one who would have the Spirit of God resting on him, giving him the spirit of wisdom and understanding; counsel and strength; knowledge and fear of the Lord: and that is JESUS CHRIST. The entire world would be different because of his presence in it - there will be peace - and even in the animal kingdom, enemies will be friends.

Justice will flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever: this, in the end, but not until much preparation and trial for all concerned.

St. John the Baptist, in the gospel passage, began his preaching career in Judea by crying out: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” Repent! Change your minds! Change your hearts! Change your attitudes! Change your habits! Change your actions! for God is nearer to you than you can possibly imagine! Repent! Hope is here - in person! His reign, his kingdom, his power, his love is in our midst! (And one day shortly after, John would literally point to Jesus and say: Look! There he is! There is the “Lamb of God” who takes away the sins of the world!” - “there is hope in-the-flesh” - and the Kingdom will have arrived!)

St. Paul tells the Romans in the second reading to be like minded in their thinking! Keeping their thoughts in line with the thought of Jesus! So that with him they can offer glory and praise to God the Father! Keeping our eyes fixed on Christ as our Hope - will move us with him to offer ceaseless praise and thanks to the Father for everything that he does for us! Especially for providing HOPE in this world that can get very dark, very lonely, very scarey - if we did not have the assurance from God that God is always there for us!

Every time we celebrate Mass - we celebrate “God-with-us!” we celebrate life, and light and hope! We are so blessed to have Jesus fulfill his promise to be with us until the end of time!

Thank you Jesus, thank you Father, thank you Spirit - for all you do for us - to bring us HOPE!

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