Monday, December 10, 2007

Homily - 12-10-07 - Monday

Jesus comes to lift the yoke of our captivity.

Being in the midst of the remnants of the captivity still, we forget what it was and can be like without the “captivity” that we all are born into, and which persist our entire lives on earth.

Before the Sin of our origins - there was an incredible experience of harmony and peace and good will between persons; and among all of creation. God created everything for his own glory and for the pleasure of man! And man took pleasure - he thoroughly enjoyed the landscape, the fields, the flowers. He delighted in the “one like himself” that was created to be his helpmate. There was strength; there was the ability to see things as they were. There was leaping and dancing for joy! There was singing and rejoicing! Springs of water abounded. All paths were holy paths, because they all led to God. There was no sorrow or mourning anywhere.

Then man sinned! And that all changed! The dye and the yoke was cast! Man did it to himself! God was powerless to do anything about it! For he gave man free will! But God, immediately set a plan in motion to lift the yoke of the captivity of original sin: a plan to send a redeemer! a plan to send Jesus to us! God loved and loves us so very much!

And Jesus came! He who was at the beginning when all things were created “good and right and free!”- he came to set things “good and right and free” again!

In the gospel passage we see Jesus using his authority and power to set a man’s physical and spiritual condition right! Because of the faith of his friends - Jesus immediately cures the paralyzed man! But he also forgives his sins! He could do both just as easily - because he was God! There was murmuring, of course, by those who did not recognize who he really was: “only God can forgive sins” - but Jesus was God! It was the hardness of the hearts of many that never allowed them to see Jesus as God - even after he was raised from the dead!

May we welcome Jesus with joy in our hearts this day! He comes to set our lives straight again; to give us physical health and strength and to make us spiritually whole and holy! All we need do is invite him into our lives, into our hearts! And believe that he really can come! in fact, we need to really believe that he is here! At this Mass - there is heaven on earth! Jesus is fully, totally, really and truly present - with all his power and his glory, and his gentleness and his strength to save us from whatever we need saving from!

Thank you, Jesus, for coming, the first time! And for coming over and over again! Until you come again! one last time!

Our God comes to save us! Let us let him save us!

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