Friday, December 28, 2007

Homily - 12-28-07 - Friday

Today we recall the beginning of the controversy that the birth of Jesus brought to the earth! His coming was so long waited for, anticipated and desired; yet, when at last it came, it immediately stirred up opposition and hatred as well. Those who misunderstood the reason for the coming of the Messiah got on the offensive as soon as they knew he was here.

Jesus did not come to be a political savior. He did not come to be literally and only the King of the Jewish people in a secular way! He came to be the Light of the World and the transforming agent so that all could enjoy life in the supernatural Kingdom of his Father! But, King Herod did not want to understand this. Finding the newborn “spiritual king” a threat to his own throne he set into motion a plan to destroy the child, and so he ordered the execution of all baby boys under two years of age in the land of the Jews.

An angel instructed Joseph to take Jesus and Mary and to flee into Egypt until it was safe for their return! Joseph did as the angel commanded and the Holy Family was safe! But thousands of innocent babes were slaughtered! These are the very first to shed their blood for Christ: not because of him, but instead of him! They are very near and dear to the Divine Heart of Jesus, and loved immensely by his Father! Today we honor them, and give them our love and thank them for their part in salvation history!

In a sense this was an important event in that it showed from the very beginning that the entire life and presence of Jesus on this planet was to be extraordinary! It was to have unimagined and incomprehensible results! Jesus would change the entire course of distorted human history! He would make it whole again! He would bring peace! He would bring love - and the first to help him out in a big way were a group of angels who lived among us for a short time as children of the Hebrews!

We praise you, O God; we acclaim you as Lord; the white robed army of martyrs praise you! And we thank them for showing us the depth and the true significance of our faith life!

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