Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Homily – May 19, 2009 – Sixth Week of Easter - Tuesday

We are just two days before celebrating the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Jesus is in the process of preparing his apostles for that moment when he will no longer be with him visibly, and their hearts and now filled with grief – where on Sunday we read that he wanted his joy to be in them completely as he was encouraging them to remain in him and to love. Today he needs to teach them that "remaining in him, and being joyful" means that they must "let him go away" – so that he would be able to send the promised Advocate, the promised Paraclete – the Holy Spirit. It would be in this way that he would remain in them, and they in he, and they would have the power, strength and insight to spread joy, love, peace to others: all others: who are willing to receive them!

In the first reading today we have a dramatic story of how the jailer and his family came "to believe" in Jesus and were baptized – after an earthquake loosened the shackles of Paul and Silas – and after they had heard about who he was. Sometimes a sign accompanying an explanation can pave the way for belief in Jesus: which is the key to salvation! Joy came to the household that night!

This is proof then that the Lord, through the action of the Holy Spirit will accomplish great things for men and women who believe. Most likely we each have our stories to tell on how we came to believe more fully in Jesus as the source of our spiritual life, joy and peace!

And so we look forward now to the great feast of the Ascension when Jesus' work on earth (in his physical body) will be finished: he will return to God his Father (and ours) to be glorified; and three things will happen to tie a ribbon on the package of his earthly life and times: and the three are based on conscience: everyone's conscience from then on would have the possibility of being rightly-formed: and everyone will know (if they care to pay attention) that the world is now convicted in regard to sin, righteousness and condemnation. 1) Sin: those who tried to convict Jesus of sinning will realize that he was indeed sinless; and that any sin resided and still resides with them, especially the sin of not believing in him: thus they themselves are self-convicted; 2) Righteousness: Jesus is everything about right-living, all righteousness is him and now it will be rewarded in heaven; thus everyone else (Scribes, Pharisees) who thought themselves to be arrogantly self-righteous stand certainly self-convicted; 3) Condemnation: the battle was fought and won on Good Friday, the evil one has been defeated and is now condemned; but those who insist on following "the father of lies" – the condemned one - are self-condemned and unless they connect to the Passion / Death / and Resurrection of Jesus – through conversion of heart, repentance and restitution they shall be separated from God and everyone else forever. Hell is being completely alone FOREVER!

I will send to you the Spirit of truth, says the Lord; he will guide you to all truth: and your hearts will be filled with joy to overflowing! Thank you Jesus for all you did and are doing for us; make us ready to receive the Holy Spirit: the gift you promised to send when you ascended into heaven amid loud cries and trumpet blasts!

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