Saturday, May 9, 2009

Homily – May 9, 2009 – Fourth Week of Easter - Saturday

Satan is the Father of Lies. He lied to Adam and Eve. He has been lying to their children ever since. And the one unfortunate aspect of it is that he is very good at it: he is so good that he can make you believe anything – anything at all; he can make you think that up is down, left is right, and bad is good. This is exactly why Jesus was sent: to offer the possibility of not being seduced by evil any longer; and to offer real Truth about everything. And by his death and resurrection this happened. We need not be thusly seduced; we now have available the truth that cancels out the lie: we have it in verbal form (Scripture) – we have it in physical form: Jesus! Jesus is TRUTH-in-the-flesh; we need not be deceived any longer – unless we want to be!

Our first reading, today again relates how the Jewish people were to be the first to be freed from lies, deception and corruption; some did believe that Jesus was the source of this freedom, and some were freed; but when most of the Jewish people refused the freedom and the one who provided it – it was offered to everyone else, to the Gentile world – which includes you and me. And the Gentiles (as it says in the first reading today) were delighted when they heard this and glorified the word of the Lord (who set them free). They now too with the believing Jews were destined for eternal life: they were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

In the gospel passage Jesus tells the Apostles and disciples that believing in him and his works would lead them to the Father: they were the way to the Father. Philip questions this; but Jesus makes the point very clear: when you hear me speak and see me doing works – you hear the Father speaking and see his works: for we are one, and I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life that leads to Him. If you truly believe this you may even ask for whatever you want in this life – and if it is according to the Father's will – you will get it! This means: if it has to do with Life and Truth, and the way to obtain eternal happiness, you can be assured that some way, somehow you will receive your answer!

Thank you Jesus for being the "flip-side of the Great Lie"; the path to Eternal Life; and the Truth about everything: we so desperately need in this day and age!

If you remain in my words, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, says the Lord.

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