Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8 - Homily for Today

Jesus always sets the pace and shows himself the model and example for what needs to be done in life. A meaningful life, St. Paul tells us, is one patterned after that of the life-dynamic of Jesus: and that dynamic is one of suffering with and for another out of true concern and sense of brotherhood, and not for any sentimental or emotional reason.

God is a God of compassion and encouragement; he suffers with us by sending his Son in the likeness of our own human flesh. And this Son suffers for us and then offers us the encouragement of knowing that what we suffer can be transformed into something glorious sooner or later. Though we may want it sooner, sometimes it may come later: but this will be because later is best for all involved.

And so Paul asks the Corinthians to join him in suffering (united to Christ’s) so that all may share his consolations, encouragements and strength provided by faithful adherence to his friendship.

In the gospel passage Jesus teaches that his Kingdom is not an easy one to belong to because it is all apparently backwards, backwards to those with worldly vision only. If the truly noble and royal are the poor, the mourning, the meek, the hungering and thirsting, the merciful, the clean of heart, the peacemakers, the persecuted – then the world wants nothing of this: for it wants power, honor, pleasure, self-centered complacency!

Only the true Christian, and friend of Jesus, who suffers with him and for him, could understand and choose the opposite as the standard behind which it would stake its life! Let us rejoice and be glad for Christ is our strength and our hope – taste and see his goodness!

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