Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5 - Homily for Today

+ The church in the diocese recommends that today’s feast of the Ascension of the Lord be transferred to Sunday – therefore, today we celebrate the simple Easter Weekday in the 6th week of Easter.

In this brief gospel passage Jesus, actually, in this post-Last Supper exposition tells the disciples that “they will see him, then they won’t, then they will again… they will weep and mourn while the world rejoices, but their grief will become joy!”

What in the world is he talking about?

This refers to the time when asked why his disciple do not fast, while John the Baptist’s do. His reply then, applies here: so long as I am in your midst you have no need to be sad or to mourn, but when I am taken away, that will be the time to fast and mourn. And Jesus was taken away and crucified – a moment of great sadness and pain; but then he was raised from the dead by the working of the Holy Spirit: and everything became different. Redemption occurred, and there was now great cause for rejoicing.

Now, just hours before the Ascension, the disciples realize that Jesus will be taken away again: but, he tells them not really at all: you will see me going up, but I will remain with you all, always, until the end of the world, by means of the gift of the Spirit that I will send, a Spirit of truth, goodness and joy! A Spirit of reconciliation, mercy and peace.

The Spirit filled Church would be launched, and its Sacraments, primarily Baptism, Eucharist and Penance would assure the Divine Presence until he returns as Judge, as promised.
May we rejoice today in the promises that God makes and keeps, and that he anticipates and comforts us in all our sorrows and griefs, and always makes the sun come out again: with the light of his TRUTH and LOVE.


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