Saturday, June 9, 2018

Jun 9 - Immaculate Heart of Mary

+ There is a deep and inviolable connection between the Sacred Heart of Jesus (whose feast we celebrated yesterday), and that of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we celebrate today. If unbounded love and exhaustless generosity are what make those hearts beat, then these days of honoring them are right on target.

It was from the incomprehensible love of God the Father that the Word became Flesh, took on our humanity, including a human heart, and did all he did out of love for us, and for our salvation. But so that he could even arrive on the human scene – a heart whose joy was devoted as the deep blue ocean – had to be willing to receive him in a womb specially prepared and now preserved. Into a heart that never saw the vestiges of sin of any kind, the Spirit came to dwell, and then Jesus was born nine months later.

As the child grew, his parents Mary and Joseph, kept learning and marveling at what they saw developing and unfolding right under their roof: a child who would change the destiny of all of mankind. They loved him with a simple love, a holy, love, and a generous love. And these traits he learned from them, and he spent them wherever he went thereafter.

A question always comes up: did Jesus at an early age know that he was God’s Son. Yes, he did. But not in any other way than you or I can. His destiny was revealed to him daily: and so “he found himself in the temple teaching the teachers” – perhaps what came out of his mouth surprised him as much as it surprised them. We learn our destiny and find our relationship with God, daily, the same way: by doing what we feel him calling us to do: not necessarily with the learned in their halls, but wherever he brings us in contact with people.
And so today, let us embrace the hours given us to draw us even closer to our eternal reward, and to help other get closer to theirs: all done out of love, the tremendous love and life that God is so willing to share with us – now and always.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us!
Immaculate heart of Mary, prayer for us!
Lead us one day to where you are enjoying the bliss of the Father’s love: His astounding Heart!

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